New arrivals Agnes Raben

New Arrivals. info:

big art

September 30 to October 4 info:

Tak art space gallery and garden


exhibition galerie Wit

Duo exhibition Mariës Hendriks and Coen Vernooij

artist’s practice Artgallery O-68

meer info: artist’s practice 2020-7

Josilda da Conceição Gallery

exhibition from march 14 till april 11

Dat Bolwerck

4 objects in the garden of Dat Bolwerck till next year  

exhibition teken- en drukwerk

Exhibition Beernem (B) info:    

Singular Art gallery

opening sunday 18 august.

zutphen concreet

15 june – 18 august

draw art fair London

15 to 19 mai      

noise reduction O-68

till february 16 2020


5 and 6 april in Loods 6 Amsterdam

kunstrai amsterdam

16-22 april stand 75 with artgallery O-68

Line Art


singular art

Exhibition Singular-art 10 january to 7 february  

new release LACUNE PROEVEN

an edition with my models for bigger work

ART NRD museum belvedère

Van 27-30 september met EM-galerie

Art The Hague 2018

from 26 to 30 september  

Scope (side fair of Art Basel)

12 to 17 June